Day #4
We're almost done with our first full week of going green! This salad is spicy, tangy, and sweet. It's refreshing in a hot way. Great to serve with Asian cuisine or on a hot summers day. Enjoy!
What you'll need:
2 medium sized cucumbers, thinly sliced
1/3 cup diced yellow or red bell pepper
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
4 T MaGGI Sweet Chili Sauce (can be found at any major supermarket in the Asian/speciality food aisle)
3 T thinly sliced fresh basil
2 T diced red onion
salt to taste
3 T unsalted chopped peanuts*
What you'll need to do:
Combine all ingredients except peanuts. Refrigerate at least an hour for vegetables to really absorb the flavor. Sprinkle with peanuts and Enjoy!!